Frequent mycotic pathology of the disease is the fungus between the fingers, where is a favorable environment for various microorganisms. Under certain conditions, it may be numerous dermatophytes, mold spores and yeast. The first sign of activity is a slight itching, which may accompany the burning sensation of varying intensity.

Why between the toes the fungus appears
The space between the toes actively working when walking, there is intense sweating, accumulate his products, formed a warm and moist environment. Here it penetrates the infection, there is a threat mycotic disease. Under normal immune status is not terrible, regular care, ordinary hygiene will remove the threat of disease. The cause of the infection may be hidden in the pathology, when the body suffers:
- vitamin deficiency;
- dysbiosis;
- disorders of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus;
- varicose veins;
- abnormalities of lymphatic vessels;
- hyperhidrosis.
A favorable background are the periods of pregnancy and lactation, microtrauma of the skin, hypothermia of the limbs. Other factors causing toe fungus include:
- close, little dimension footwear from leather and other synthetics;
- excessive exercise;
- prolonged treatment with antibiotics.
Under these conditions, the admission to public baths, pools, beaches, close contact with infected people, using elements of someone else's closet increase the risk of Contracting athlete's foot.
Looks like a foot fungus between the toes
A variety of interdigital mycosis manifests itself not immediately obvious symptoms. In the early period of infection may develop asymptomatic, but tingling between the toes is often ignored. If this phase passes without treatment, the pathology becomes more pronounced signs:
- appear excessive compaction of the plantar part of the feet;
- there is increased sweating, which is accompanied by strong, unpleasant smell;
- increases itching, more than usual itchy between fingers;
- the skin begins to peel off;
- the interdigital area slazit skin, forming cracks, bleeding wounds and sores;
- you can watch the spot or a few such lesions are characterized by yellow and grey tones that gradually increase in size;
- formed vesicles, redness surrounding areas.

In poor condition the fungus on the toes goes in onychomycosis. Initially, the fungus will appear on the little toe or hits your thumb, then goes to rest. The nail plate turn yellow and deform. Increases the risk of the fungus on the hands. According to the severity of occurrence there are three forms of the mycosis, which have their own set of signs:
- Squamous condition less resistant therapy, his symptoms are swelling of the affected areas, sloughing of the epithelium, atypical luster of the skin, deformity of nails.
- Hyperkeratotic type in more complex treatment and painful sensations, depending on the localization of redness between the fingers of the hands or feet, formed vesicles in combination with a rash, well observed thickening of the affected foci grow, there are areas that are beginning to climb.
- Intertriginous form may be a continuation of the squamous, to develop independently, with its beginning slazit leather on the toes are among the manifestations swelling, redness, inflammation, peeling, injury to the skin pass into extensive erosion.
Fungus treatment between toes begins with the diagnosis corresponding to the survey assigns a specialized doctor (mycologist, dermatologist, or infectious disease). The results of the diagnostic procedures is determined by the maximum effective treatment option. It is performed with the use of medications topical and oral use of folk remedies. The first group includes various types of ointments, solutions, tablet medication.
Ointment for fungus between the toes is particularly effective in the initial stages, when the skin is slightly itchy, noticed slight peeling. Regular application within one month is usually enough to get rid of the pathogen. To accelerate the positive effect we recommend preliminary cleaning and steaming stop. The list of such drugs is extensive.
Another type of drugs of the local application. A similar tool from a fungus used compresses and lotions between the toes. Diluted in water, can be used for taking baths. From the pharmacy means in liquid form is produced counterparts ointments.
Most often the medication of this form applies when the toe fungus running, you need a systemic treatment. Antimycotic provides comprehensive and healing effect on the body as a whole.
Usually the pills are combined with these ointments and their analogues. A set of drugs for systemic therapy is determined solely by the attending physician, self-medication can lead to complications and pronounced adverse events.
Folk remedies

The therapeutic compositions of this category are used as auxiliary agent in complex treatment, as a preventive measure. Self-healing effects can be achieved if the athlete's foot between the toes did not escape an early stage. The necessary compounds can be prepared from readily available remedies at home, usually salt or soda to foot baths, various herbal teas with additives.
A popular and affordable method for the prevention and quick recovery when the first disturbing symptom. The easiest recipe would require a liter of water, heated to body temperature, two tablespoons of salt or baking soda. After mixing until dissolved:
- the foot is dipped into the tank;
- keep to 30 minutes;
- steamed feet clean from the seals of dead particles of the epidermis.
Steaming was carried out at least once a day, preferably at night. If you suspect inter-digital lesions mycosis can be combined with ointments and other external preparations to full recovery.
Herbal baths
For these purposes, can be used fresh or dry fees their own preparation, their pharmaceutical counterparts. Usually the broth is made from the mixture of dried celandine diluted chamomile and plantain:
- three tablespoons pour a liter of boiled water;
- foot hold of no less than 20 minutes;
- clear the epithelium from dead skin particles.
The procedure is suitable for the prevention and in the initial stage of mycosis to cure.
Lotions with vinegar
Necessary elements for such widgets are 9% vinegar solution, pack of cotton pads, 2 plastic bags. The sequence of execution:
- moistened swabs are overlaid on the affected areas, if necessary, fixed by adhesive;
- on the foot wear prepared packages that tighten the neck;
- can withstand up to 5 minutes;
- after removal of the covenants and used tampons, the skin is washed with lukewarm water.
To decontaminate sites it is useful to use iodine in a weak solution or hydrogen peroxide. Can be used procaine, which soothes itching, relieves burning.

To prevent fungus on the skin between the toes is much easier than to get rid of deep-rooted infection. Current preventive measures for these purposes are
- wearing shale, another change of footwear in public baths, pools or showers;
- treatment of special foot aerosols after their visit;
- use Shoe size, natural materials, comfortable-fitting of the foot;
- physical activity, regular monitoring of health status;
- regular disinfection of shoes, personal belongings, bedding, floor covering, if the family is infected.
For a foot condition, it is useful to combine regular hygienic procedures with periodic use of trays for the specified or similar recipes.